Tuesday 5 March 2013

Dark Knight Rises - Warner Brothers - Synergy and Technology Convergents

Dark Knight Rises is the total oppersite to the Warp film Submarine, the main synergy for the dark knight rises is the energy drink mount drew although this is a synergy because it is advertising it on the product it also links in with technology convergents because you have to use the product to look at the trailor online meaning that then you are using both of these ways i am looking into. I found in my research that the Dark Knight Rises does not have alot of synergy I found that their was a model of the Dark Knight which could be used as a toy or collectable vairing the target aurdience more. Also, making products such as t-shirt which could be bought with the Dark Knight Rises on. Warner Brothers had a much larger technology convergents for this film their was a webiste created just for this movie where you can watch the trailors and specil features of the movie online. You could download hundreds of diffrent types of wallpapers for all technology prodicts they even made these so you could download them and then use them on socail networking sites such as Facebook. These are all technology convergents which made the movie a massive hit.

Submarine - Warp - Synergy and Technology Convergents

When looking into synergy and technology convergents for the Warp movie "Submarine" their was a lot less than in the Warner Brothers movie "Dark Knight Rises". I found that with submarine you could only download the sound track from the movie, which is record by the Artic Monkeys which attracts the target aurdience because you also have their fans to make them want to watch the movie using this as the main reason when using technology convergents for the movie. Also, on the Warp website you could access the Submarine tralior but the website does also struggle to make the trailors load showing they did not have a big technogly convergents and the only thing which links into synergy and technology convergents.